Boyish: Sustainable fashion meets Black Friday success

Jordan Nodarse had built an impressive career for himself. He’d worked with several top DTC fashion brands and learned the ins and outs of the denim industry. But as he built his career, he found himself thinking more and more about sustainability. That left him with one question—how could he build a sustainable fashion company?
So, he started researching what premium denim brands were doing in terms of sustainability. It turned out that none of them were putting much focus into a sustainable, circular brand. He recognized a need for retailers to support sustainability, which left him with the goal of providing fashion wholesalers with a sustainable denim option.
Circularity and sustainability
Although the idea behind Boyish was to support wholesalers with sustainable denim, it quickly evolved into its own brand. Today, they’re a fully circular and sustainable company.
So, what exactly does that mean?
It’s not just a buzzword; it’s ingrained in everything Nodarse and the team at Boyish do. From using recycled materials and non-toxic dyes to keeping up-to-date on sustainability certifications and making denim with advanced fibres. As Nodarse puts it, “It’s the whole nine yards”. He wanted to fix the issues he saw in both denim and the broader apparel industry. Ultimately, the solution came down to two things: recycling and renewable resources.
Nodarse’s motivated by high-quality garments that last, saying, “I’m inspired by the products around when I was growing up. Like buying a winter jacket that lasts multiple years with no need to be replaced.”
When it comes to circularity, they’re not just talking about a circular mentality, but a circular product. Nodarse understands that every product will eventually fail regardless of how good it is. His approach is to make jeans as high quality as possible, keeping the risk of failure as low as possible, which means customers replace their jeans as infrequently as possible. In Nodarse’s words:
“We promote a lifestyle. It’s a daily thing. We’re not just selling jeans so we can make more money and sell more jeans. We’re selling jeans that spread goodness and that feeling of doing good. It’s not a lifestyle in that we’ll sell you everything; it’s a lifestyle in that we’ll help motivate you to make better choices with your purchasing.”