October 11, 2020

Partner Spotlight: Clearco partners with Klarna to help e-commerce founders win!


At Clearco, we pride ourselves on finding like-minded, ambitious partners to join us in our mission of helping founders write their story. Today, we’re celebrating our new capital program for Klarnafootnote 1, the leading global payments and shopping service for eCommerce companies. We’ll help Klarna-integrated merchants fund their marketing budgets and inventory spend so they can have a record-breaking holiday season, and continue the momentum into the new year. 

Introducing Clearco x Klarna

As a leading global provider of buy now, pay later services, Klarna works with more than 200,000 merchants worldwide, including Etsy, Rimowa, Adidas and Sephora, to offer integrated payment services that enable a more flexible checkout experience for their customers. Klarna also offers the ultimate shopping experience for its 90 million-plus customers through the Klarna app. 

Adding Klarna to our global partner ecosystem is a synergistic relationship, especially since Klarna also works with one of our leading agency partners, MuteSixfootnote 2 an award-winning, full funnel digital and creative agency. MuteSix has helped many Klarna merchants reach the right audiences through impactful and strategic digital ad campaigns. Now, Clearco can provide the marketing capital that Klarna merchants need to fund their digital ad spend with partners like MuteSix, making it even easier for our customers to grow their business. 

Klarna merchants who are new to Clearco will receive a reduced fee on their first Clearco advance, in addition to a whole suite of financial and business products. 

“We’ve seen Klarna merchants run social ads with MuteSix that highlight their Buy Now, Pay Later capabilities and experience improved conversion rates. Going into Q4, we are excited to be partnering with Clearco to give our merchants access to fast, non-dilutive capital to scale their business during the holidays,” says Bradley Johnston, Strategic Partner Manager at Klarna. 

How Clearco, Klarna, and MuteSix helped JEMMA scale

Joanne Lau, Founder of JEMMAfootnote 3, is a Klarna merchant and MuteSix client who has taken advantage of Clearco's capital. Joanne created JEMMA to inspire women to “redefine life on their own terms” and now, she is redefining entrepreneurship by keeping full ownership of her company while she scales. 

“Clearco has helped us grow and scale as a 100% self-funded business without needing to give away equity or take up hefty business loans, which is truly an entrepreneur’s dream path. They have also been very attentive to our needs in the good and bad times, which is key to have in business when life is a perpetual rollercoaster!” 

Going into the holidays, Lau further explained that “Klarna has been effective in helping our customers manage their cash flow and making their decision to invest in a JEMMA Bag easier! Also, I love their branding and language. It makes the service very user friendly for both merchants and customers.”

We are so proud to work with both MuteSix and Klarna. JEMMA is just one example of the great success brands can find working with Clearco and our partners to grow their e-commerce business. 

If you’re a Klarna merchant you can get up to $10 Million in Clearco funding, starting with a free valuation.

Interested in joining Clearco's global Partner network? Learn more here!

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