September 19, 2021

How much working capital does a startup need?


When Catharine Arnston’s sister developed breast cancer, an oncologist recommended an alkaline diet as the best way to build her immune system. 

At the time, there was virtually no research into alkaline diets. Catharine wasn't exactly a science major—she was a startup founder. With her sister’s devastating diagnosis looming overhead, Catharine promised she’d research alkaline diets and their legitimacy. 

That's when she stumbled across the benefits of algae. Algae is one of the world's oldest plants with antioxidant properties. It’s harvested and consumed globally and has even been studied by NASA as a means of providing a sustainable food and oxygen source in space.

Catharine was astounded by all the science behind algae as a food, medicine, and beauty enhancer. It’s even been touted as a potential cure to world hunger. That’s where the frustration set in: there were no high-quality, algae products available outside of Asia. 

Today ENERGYbits is the only premium algae ingestible that are sold nationally, recommended professionally,  endorsed by scientists and loved by professional athletes. We’re confident you will love it too.

Visit to learn more.

Traditional funding and other capital problems founders face

Today, access to fair and fast capital remains a challenge for startup founders.

Catharine points out, “Startups have to make a choice: either spend your time trying to raise money or trying to get customers. There's only 24 hours in a day, so there isn’t time for both.”

Many founders focus on the former instead of the latter and what really counts is customers. It’s a better investment for entrepreneurs to focus on customers from the start.

“I ruled out VC funding from the start because the nature of their business does not allow them to be patient people. They invest in companies with a short time horizon because their funds usually require an exit within five years. It can easily take 10 years for a startup to get their supply chain, messaging, branding, staffing and operations right. Venture capital firms can’t wait for a startup to become profitable, so they often force the entrepreneur to cut corners and this can run counter to an entrepreneur's vision and long-term plan. They don't have the same emotional or personal commitment as you do and this can cause friction and even harm your company.”

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