September 27, 2024

Clearco’s Fashionably Funded NYC Cocktail Hour: A Fashion Week Success

Kristen Campbell

You’ve heard of a fireside chat, but what about flowerside? Clearco made funding more fun this Fashion Week, with an exclusive gathering meant to bring together the best of both fashion and ecommerce. Ecommerce Connect: Fashionably Funded was held at the gorgeous City Vineyard in New York City, bringing together brands and business partners alike. The evening was designed as a celebration for fashion ecommerce, as well as an opportunity to inspire the next wave of industry success.

Flowerside Chat: Key Insights from Industry Leaders

This year, brands celebrated in true Fashion Week style – with nothing more chic than ecommerce success! Guests from across the ecommerce sphere gathered together to connect, learn, and take in the stunning New York City views. Founders, marketers, brand leaders, and more were joined by Clearco CEO Andrew Curtis and guest Jamie Banks, founder of luxury swimwear brand Change of Scenery. The panel was moderated by the CEO of Ruckus, Anish Shah.

Ecommerce founder Michael Zung of Bloomist talks to a fellow entrepreneur over a glass of City Vineyard wine.

Panelists shared their journeys in building brands, including the successes and challenges they faced along the way. Sitting “flowerside”, founders were sure to feel inspired by the discussion which touched on valuable insights about growing a business and what it means to build a brand. The chat certainly left us feeling enthusiastic about supporting ecommerce growth! 

Ecommerce Networking with a View

Clearco’s Fashionably Funded event provided plenty of time for attendees to mix, mingle, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Founders compared notes and met others who shared their passion for building an ecommerce brand. Whether on the runway or off, the future of fashion is shaped by today’s ecommerce entrepreneurs. Fashionably Funded was a chance for founders, funders, and brands to connect and compare notes, as well as enjoying the evening themselves. Collaboration is where innovation thrives, and we hope all of our attendees enjoyed the opportunity to learn from our panelists and exchange ideas with other brands.

Ecommerce founders can end up wearing many hats while building a brand. No matter how fashionable the headwear, running a business takes passion, creativity, and hard work. We know rest can sometimes be off the menu for busy founders, so Fashionably Funded guests also enjoyed an opportunity to relax and get pampered, featuring delicious food, signature cocktails, and a glamorous red carpet – which was just as “flower studded” as the rest of the event.

Supporting the Future of Fashion

Clearco’s Fashionably Funded event wasn’t just about celebrating fashion—it was about empowering ecommerce founders. The panel discussions and networking opportunities allowed attendees to share ideas, collaborate, and gain insights into what it takes to succeed in the ecommerce industry today.

At Clearco, we’re passionate about supporting ecommerce growth. Through our innovative Invoice Funding and Receipt Funding solutions, we provide businesses with the capital they need to scale without giving up equity or ownership. With over $2.5 billion invested in over 10,000 ecommerce brands, Clearco remains the go-to funding partner for U.S.-based ecommerce businesses.

Recap: A Night to Remember

From the breathtaking river views to the signature cocktails and a flowerside panel, the night was as chic as it was inspiring. Clearco’s Fashionably Funded was the perfect celebration of fashion and ecommerce coming together during New York Fashion Week.

Watch the full recap here: ⬇️

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Kristen Campbell
Content Writer

Kristen is the co-founder and Director of Content at Skeleton Krew, a B2B marketing agency focused on growth in tech, software, and statups. She has written for a wide variety of companies in the fields of healthcare, banking, and technology. In her spare time, she enjoys writing stories, reading stories, and going on long walks (to think about her stories).